A different City emerges!

Last updated : 16 February 2006 By Bmr
Three wins and a draw have seen City take a considerable step in the right direction after the departure of Craig Levein several weeks ago.

The team is now looking hungry and above all motivated, something clearly missing under the Leveien regime. Its early days of course but the improvement has been their for all to see.

Kisnorbo has slotted into the centrebacks position nicely, winning balls in the air and even is distribution is a little better.

Maybury has patrolled the right wing while Sylla was away on international duty. A little shakey at first but against Derby again showing improvement.

Hume and the ever exciting Fryatt are starting to look a formidable partnership up front, pace and lethal finishing, so desperately needed earlier on in the campaign is now their in abundance.

So its on to Saturdays Walkers showdown with Leeds United and you can be sure us City fans are for once really looking forward to the game. Mr Kelly and Mr Stowell have not been at the helm for long but what a refreshing change they have made!